// This file contains javascript that is specific to the dashboard/profile controller. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Set the max chars in the about form. $('form.About textarea').setMaxChars(1000); // Popup the picture form when the link is clicked $('.ChangePicture,.AddPicture').popup({hijackForms: false, afterLoad: function() { $('.Popup :submit').hide(); $('.Popup :input').change(function() { $('.Popup form').submit(); $('.Popup .Body').html('
'); }); }}); // Ajax invitation uninvites and send agains if they're in a popup $('div.Popup a.Uninvite, div.Popup a.SendAgain').live('click', function() { var btn = this; var popupId = $('div.Popup').attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: $(btn).attr('href'), data: { 'DeliveryType' : 'VIEW', 'DeliveryMethod' : 'JSON' }, dataType: 'json', error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $.popup({}, XMLHttpRequest.responseText); }, success: function(json) { json = $.postParseJson(json); $.popup.reveal({ popupId: popupId }, json); } }); return false; }); if ($.Jcrop) $('#cropbox').Jcrop({ onChange: setPreviewAndCoords, onSelect: setPreviewAndCoords, aspectRatio: 1 }); function setPreviewAndCoords(c) { var thumbSize = $('#Form_ThumbSize').val(); var sourceHeight = $('#Form_HeightSource').val(); var sourceWidth = $('#Form_WidthSource').val(); var rx = thumbSize / c.w; var ry = thumbSize / c.h; $('#Form_x').val(c.x); $('#Form_y').val(c.y); $('#Form_w').val(c.w); $('#Form_h').val(c.h); $('#preview').css({ width: Math.round(rx * sourceWidth) + 'px', height: Math.round(ry * sourceHeight) + 'px', marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * c.x) + 'px', marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * c.y) + 'px' }); } // Handle heading clicks on preferences form $('table.PreferenceGroup thead .PrefCheckBox').each(function() { var cell = this; $(cell).css('cursor', 'pointer'); cell.onclick = function() { var columnIndex = $(this)[0].cellIndex; var rows = $(this).parents('table').find('tbody tr'); var checkbox = false; var state = -1; for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { checkbox = $(rows[i]).find('td:eq(' + (columnIndex) + ') :checkbox'); if ($(checkbox).is(':checkbox')) { if (state == -1) state = $(checkbox).attr('checked'); if (state) { checkbox.removeAttr('checked'); } else { checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); } } } return false; } }); // Handle description clicks on preferences form $('table.PreferenceGroup tbody .Description, table.PreferenceGroup tbody .Depth_2').each(function() { var cell = this; var columnIndex = $(cell)[0].cellIndex; $(cell).css('cursor', 'pointer'); cell.onclick = function() { var checkboxes = $(this).parents('tr').find('td.PrefCheckBox :checkbox'); var state = false; for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (i == 0) state = $(checkboxes[0]).attr('checked'); if (state) $(checkboxes[i]).removeAttr('checked'); else $(checkboxes[i]).attr('checked', 'checked'); } return false; } }); });