jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
/* Comment Form */
if ($.autogrow)
$('textarea.TextBox').livequery(function() {
// Hide it if they leave the area without typing
$('div.CommentForm textarea').blur(function(ev) {
var Comment = $(ev.target).val();
if (!Comment || Comment == '')
// Reveal the textarea and hide previews.
$('a.WriteButton, a.Cancel').livequery('click', function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('WriteButton')) {
var frm = $(this).parents('.MessageForm').find('form');
frm.trigger('WriteButtonClick', [frm]);
// Reveal the "Preview" button and hide this one
if ($(this).hasClass('Cancel'))
return false;
// Hijack comment form button clicks.
var draftSaving = 0;
$('.CommentButton, a.PreviewButton, a.DraftButton').livequery('click', function() {
var btn = this;
var parent = $(btn).parents('div.CommentForm, div.EditCommentForm');
var frm = $(parent).find('form');
var textbox = $(frm).find('textarea');
var inpCommentID = $(frm).find('input:hidden[name$=CommentID]');
var inpDraftID = $(frm).find('input:hidden[name$=DraftID]');
var type = 'Post';
var preview = $(btn).hasClass('PreviewButton');
if (preview) {
type = 'Preview';
// If there is already a preview showing, kill processing.
if ($('div.Preview').length > 0 || jQuery.trim($(textbox).val()) == '')
return false;
var draft = $(btn).hasClass('DraftButton');
if (draft) {
type = 'Draft';
// Don't save draft if string is empty
if (jQuery.trim($(textbox).val()) == '')
return false;
if (draftSaving > 0)
return false;
// console.log('Saving draft: '+(new Date()).toUTCString());
// Post the form, and append the results to #Discussion, and erase the textbox
var postValues = $(frm).serialize();
postValues += '&DeliveryType=VIEW&DeliveryMethod=JSON'; // DELIVERY_TYPE_VIEW
postValues += '&Type='+type;
var discussionID = $(frm).find('[name$=DiscussionID]');
discussionID = discussionID.length > 0 ? discussionID.val() : 0;
var tKey = $(frm).find('[name$=TransientKey]');
var prefix = tKey.attr('name').replace('TransientKey', '');
// Get the last comment id on the page
var comments = $('ul.Comments li.ItemComment');
var lastComment = $(comments).get(comments.length-1);
var lastCommentID = $(lastComment).attr('id');
if (lastCommentID)
lastCommentID = lastCommentID.indexOf('Discussion_') == 0 ? 0 : lastCommentID.replace('Comment_', '');
lastCommentID = 0;
postValues += '&' + prefix + 'LastCommentID=' + lastCommentID;
var action = $(frm).attr('action');
if (action.indexOf('?') < 0)
action += '?';
action += '&';
if (discussionID > 0) {
action += 'discussionid='+discussionID;
$(frm).find(':submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$(parent).find('a.Back').after(' ');
// Also add a spinner for comments being edited
// $(btn).parents('div.Comment').find('div.Meta span:last').after(' ');
$(frm).triggerHandler('BeforeSubmit', [frm, btn]);
if (type != 'Draft')
$(':submit', frm).addClass('InProgress');
$('.DraftButton', frm).addClass('InProgress');
type: "POST",
url: action,
data: postValues,
dataType: 'json',
error: function(xhr) {
gdn.informError(xhr, draft);
success: function(json) {
json = $.postParseJson(json);
var processedTargets = false;
// If there are targets, process them
if (json.Targets && json.Targets.length > 0) {
// for(i = 0; i < json.Targets.length; i++) {
// if (json.Targets[i].Type != "Ajax") {
// json.Targets[i].Data = json.Data;
// processedTargets = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// If there is a redirect url, go to it
if (json.RedirectUrl != null && jQuery.trim(json.RedirectUrl) != '') {
return false;
// Remove any old popups if not saving as a draft
if (!draft && json.FormSaved == true)
var commentID = json.CommentID;
// Assign the comment id to the form if it was defined
if (commentID != null && commentID != '') {
if (json.DraftID != null && json.DraftID != '')
if (json.MyDrafts != null) {
if (json.CountDrafts != null && json.CountDrafts > 0)
json.MyDrafts += ''+json.CountDrafts+'';
$('ul#Menu li.MyDrafts a').html(json.MyDrafts);
// Remove any old errors from the form
if (json.FormSaved == false) {
json.ErrorMessages = null;
} else if (preview) {
// Reveal the "Edit" button and hide this one
$(frm).trigger('PreviewLoaded', [frm]);
} else if (!draft) {
// Clean up the form
if (processedTargets)
btn = $('div.CommentForm :submit, div.EditCommentForm :submit');
// If editing an existing comment, replace the appropriate row
var existingCommentRow = $('#Comment_' + commentID);
if (processedTargets) {
// Don't do anything with the data b/c it's already been handled by processTargets
} else if (existingCommentRow.length > 0) {
$('#Comment_' + commentID).effect("highlight", {}, "slow");
} else {
gdn.definition('LastCommentID', commentID, true);
// If adding a new comment, show all new comments since the page last loaded, including the new one.
if (gdn.definition('PrependNewComments') == '1') {
$('ul.Comments li:first').effect("highlight", {}, "slow");
} else {
$('ul.Comments li:last').effect("highlight", {}, "slow");
// Remove any "More" pager links (because it is typically replaced with the latest comment by this function)
if (gdn.definition('PrependNewComments') != '1') // If prepending the latest comment, don't remove the pager.
// Set the discussionid on the form in case the discussion was created by adding the last comment
var discussionID = $(frm).find('[name$=DiscussionID]');
if (discussionID.length == 0 && json.DiscussionID) {
// Let listeners know that the comment was added.
return false;
complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
// Remove any spinners, and re-enable buttons.
$(':submit', frm).removeClass('InProgress');
$('.DraftButton', frm).removeClass('InProgress');
if (draft)
return false;
function resetCommentForm(sender) {
var parent = $(sender).parents('.CommentForm, .EditCommentForm');
// Utility function to clear out the comment form
function clearCommentForm(sender) {
var container = $(sender).parents('li.Editing');
var frm = $(sender).parents('div.CommentForm, .EditCommentForm');
// Erase any drafts
var draftInp = frm.find('input:hidden[name$=DraftID]');
if (draftInp.val() != '')
type: "POST",
url: gdn.url('/vanilla/drafts/delete/' + draftInp.val() + '/' + gdn.definition('TransientKey')),
data: 'DeliveryType=BOOL&DeliveryMethod=JSON',
dataType: 'json'
$('div.Information').fadeOut('fast', function() {$(this).remove();});
// Set up paging
if ($.morepager)
$('.MorePager').not('.Message .MorePager').morepager({
pageContainerSelector: 'ul.Comments',
afterPageLoaded: function() {$(document).trigger('CommentPagingComplete');}
// Autosave comments
$('a.DraftButton').livequery(function() {
var btn = this;
$('div.CommentForm textarea').autosave({button: btn});
/* Options */
// Edit comment
$('a.EditComment').livequery('click', function() {
var btn = this;
var container = $(btn).parents('li.ItemComment');
var parent = $(container).find('div.Comment');
var msg = $(parent).find('div.Message');
$(parent).find('div.Meta span:last').after(' ');
if ($(msg).is(':visible')) {
type: "GET",
url: $(btn).attr('href'),
data: 'DeliveryType=VIEW&DeliveryMethod=JSON',
dataType: 'json',
error: function(xhr) {
success: function(json) {
json = $.postParseJson(json);
$(document).trigger('EditCommentFormLoaded', [container]);
complete: function() {
} else {
$(document).trigger('CommentEditingComplete', [msg]);
return false;
// Reveal the original message when cancelling an in-place edit.
$('.Comment .Cancel a').livequery('click', function() {
var btn = this;
$(btn).parents('.CommentForm, .EditCommentForm').remove();
return false;
// Delete comment
confirm: true,
confirmHeading: gdn.definition('ConfirmDeleteCommentHeading', 'Delete Comment'),
confirmText: gdn.definition('ConfirmDeleteCommentText', 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'),
followConfirm: false,
deliveryType: 'BOOL', // DELIVERY_TYPE_BOOL
afterConfirm: function(json, sender) {
var row = $(sender).parents('li.ItemComment');
if (json.ErrorMessage) {
$.popup({}, json.ErrorMessage);
} else {
// Remove the affected row
$(row).slideUp('fast', function() {$(this).remove();});
// var gettingNew = 0;
// var getNew = function() {
// if (gettingNew > 0) {
// return;
// }
// gettingNew++;
// discussionID = gdn.definition('DiscussionID', 0);
// lastCommentID = gdn.definition('LastCommentID', '');
// if(lastCommentID == '')
// return;
// $.ajax({
// type: "POST",
// url: gdn.url('/discussion/getnew/' + discussionID + '/' + lastCommentID),
// data: "DeliveryType=ASSET&DeliveryMethod=JSON",
// dataType: "json",
// error: function(xhr) {
// gdn.informError(xhr, true);
// },
// success: function(json) {
// json = $.postParseJson(json);
// if(json.Data && json.LastCommentID) {
// gdn.definition('LastCommentID', json.LastCommentID, true);
// $(json.Data).appendTo("ul.Comments")
// .effect("highlight", {}, "slow");
// }
// gdn.processTargets(json.Targets);
// },
// complete: function() {
// gettingNew--;
// }
// });
// }
// // Load new comments like a chat.
// var autoRefresh = gdn.definition('Vanilla_Comments_AutoRefresh', 0) * 1000;
// if (autoRefresh > 1000) {
// window.setInterval(getNew, autoRefresh);
// }
/* Comment Checkboxes */
$('.AdminCheck [name="Toggle"]').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr('checked'))
$('.DataList .AdminCheck :checkbox').attr('checked', 'checked').change();
$('.DataList .AdminCheck :checkbox').removeAttr('checked').change();
$('.AdminCheck :checkbox').click(function(e) {
// retrieve all checked ids
var checkIDs = $('.DataList .AdminCheck :checkbox');
var aCheckIDs = new Array();
var discussionID = gdn.definition('DiscussionID');
checkIDs.each(function() {
checkID = $(this);
aCheckIDs[aCheckIDs.length] = {'checkId' : checkID.val() , 'checked' : checkID.attr('checked')};
type: "POST",
url: gdn.url('/moderation/checkedcomments'),
data: {'DiscussionID' : discussionID , 'CheckIDs' : aCheckIDs, 'DeliveryMethod' : 'JSON', 'TransientKey' : gdn.definition('TransientKey')},
dataType: "json",
error: function(xhr) {
gdn.informError(xhr, true);
success: function(json) {