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Regulamentação sobre coabitação e concubinato

Me peguei pensando a respeito um dia desses. Não acho que o Estado deva se meter, nem proibindo, nem obrigando a partilha de obrigações ou bens, independente de ser uma relação hétero, monogâmica, homo, poligâmica, pansexual, bestial, ou whatever.

Alguns dados interessantes:
Before 1970, cohabitation was illegal in the United States.[3] According to Dr. Galena Rhoades, "Before 1970, living together outside of marriage was uncommon, but by the late 1990s at least 50% to 60% of couples lived together premaritally.[4] According to the U.S. Census, "the number of unmarried couples living together increased tenfold from 1960 to 2000." Nowadays, it is seen as a normal step in the dating process.
Cohabitation in Latin America is very common, especially for young people. This region has the highest rates of non-marital childbearing in the world (55–74% of all children in this region are born to unmarried parents).[59] In Mexico, 18.7% of all couples were cohabiting as of 2005. Among young people, the figures are much higher.
While couples of all ages cohabit, the phenomenon is much more common among younger people. In late 2005, 21% of families in Finland consisted of cohabitating couples (all age groups). Of couples with children, 18% were cohabitating.[ão_de_facto
"In any case, what westeners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say a principle of a higher order." - René Guénon
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