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Dear Mr Tucker,
I am Brazilian and a businessman. I am someone who has had hands on experiences borh in the USA and Brazil, having lived in both countries (and in several locations).. This includes having gone to school in both countries (public and private, high school and graduate school), done business in several states (and still do in both countries), experienced both judicial systems, a very wide range of experience in both environments.
So, I can tell you with certainty and from my personal experience: though the US govt really does a terrible job, Brazil’s govt is definitely and infinitely much, much worse. <g><g><g><g><g>
The examples are infinite and this is not a place (and there would not be enough space) to list them.
And a couple of corrections: the Estate tax in my state is 8%, and there are not any alternatives to get around it. And as for security apparatus, yes, there is literally none over here, we have to watch out, the police can be worse than thieves…
Best regards,