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  • Netanyahu pede que judeus europeus imigrem para Israel após ataque na Dinamarca
    AFPAFP – 5 horas atrás

    O primeiro-ministro israelense Benjamin Netanyahu pediu neste domingo aos judeus europeus que imigrem para Israel depois do atentado contra a principal sinagoga de Copenhague, que deixou um morto.
    "Novamente um judeu europeu perdeu a vida por ser judeu e este tipo de atentado se repetirá", advertiu Netanyahu.
    Ele assegurou que seu país "preparado para acolher uma imigração em massa procedente da Europa".
    Um jovem judeu perdeu a vida no início deste domingo no lado de fora da sinagoga de Krystalgade, a mais importante da idade de Copenhague, supostamente vítima do mesmo homem que mais cedo havia atacado um centro cultural onde era realizado um debate sobre Islã e liberdade de expressão, matando outro homem.
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  • AcauanAcauan Administrador, Moderador
    edited fevereiro 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Fabi disse:
    Acauan disse: É verdade que o Terror Revolucionário guilhotinou clérigos prá dedéu,mas... "milhões de vidas"?
    Se contar as guerras...
    As Guerras que mataram milhões foram as mundiais, que passaram longe léguas de qualquer questão religiosa.
    Fabi disseO ocidente lutou pra conseguir separar estado de religião, a revolução francesa foi o ápice, mas a europa teve um monte de guerras e conflitos depois disso.
    Sim, teve, mas quais delas foi para separar Estado de religião?
    O melhor exemplo de Estado Laico Iluminista são os Estados Unidos da América, fundados por cristãos que acreditavam que a laicidade do Estado protegia a Liberdade Religiosa ao invés de a confrontar.
    Fabi disseA igreja católica não aceitou perder o poder tão fácil, a história com a igreja se arrastou até Mussolini com a criação do Vaticano, mas até hoje sonham em ter o mesmo poder de antes.

    Qual era o poder político secular da Igreja Católica Romana após a consolidação dos Estados Nacionais Europeus?
    O Tratado de Latrão foi lavrado quando Mussolini já detinha o poder político absoluto na Itália, e tinha a ver mais com aspectos específicos de consolidação da unidade italiana do que com questões religiosas, para quais Mussolini não ligava a mínima.

    Post edited by Acauan on
    Acauan dos Tupis
    Nós, Indios.
    Lutar com Bravura, morrer com Honra!
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  • ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul
    The Fiscal Times By Riyadh Mohammed
    February 23, 2015 10:15 PM
    ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul
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    ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul

    While the world was watching the Academy Awards ceremony, the people of Mosul were watching a different show. They were horrified to see ISIS members burn the Mosul public library. Among the many thousands of books it housed, more than 8,000 rare old books and manuscripts were burned.

    “ISIS militants bombed the Mosul Public Library. They used improvised explosive devices,” said Ghanim al-Ta'an, the director of the library. Notables in Mosul tried to persuade ISIS members to spare the library, but they failed.

    Related: Kurds Are Close to Retaking Mosul from ISIS

    The former assistant director of the library Qusai All Faraj said that the Mosul Public Library was established in 1921, the same year that saw the birth of the modern Iraq. Among its lost collections were manuscripts from the eighteenth century, Syriac books printed in Iraq's first printing house in the nineteenth century, books from the Ottoman era, Iraqi newspapers from the early twentieth century and some old antiques like an astrolabe and sand glass used by ancient Arabs. The library had hosted the personal libraries of more than 100 notable families from Mosul over the last century.

    During the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the library was looted and destroyed by mobs. However, the people living nearby managed to save most of its collections and rich families bought back the stolen books and they were returned to the library, All Faraj added.

    Related: 9 ISIS Weapons That Will Shock You

    “900 years ago, the books of the Arab philosopher Averroes were collected before his eyes...and burned. One of his students started crying while witnessing the burning. Averroes told him... the ideas have wings...but I cry today over our situation,” said Rayan al-Hadidi, an activist and a blogger from Mosul. Al-Hadidi said that a state of anger and sorrow are dominating Mosul now. Even the library's website was suspended.

    “What a pity! We used to go to the library in the 1970s. It was one of the greatest landmarks of Mosul. I still remember the special pieces of paper where the books’ names were listed alphabetically,” said Akil Kata who left Mosul to exile years ago.

    On the same day the library was destroyed, ISIS abolished another old church in Mosul: the church of Mary the Virgin. The Mosul University Theater was burned as well, according to eyewitnesses. In al-Anbar province, Western Iraq, the ISIS campaign of burning books has managed to destroy 100,000 titles, according to local officials. Last December, ISIS burned Mosul University’s central library.

    Related: The Perverted, Powerful Logic Behind ISIS’s Burned Pilot

    Iraq, the cradle of civilization, the birthplace of agriculture and writing and the home of the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Arab civilizations had never witnessed such an assault on its rich cultural heritage since the Mongol era in the Middle Ages.

    Last week, a debate in Washington and Baghdad became heated over when, how and who will liberate Mosul. A plan was announced to liberate the city in April or May by more than 20,000 US trained Iraqi soldiers. Either way, and supposing everything will go well and ISIS will be defeated easily which is never the case in reality, that means the people of Mosul will still have to wait for another two to three months.

    Until then, Mosul will probably have not a single sign of its rich history left standing.
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  • 2619.jpg
    Eu sou o Doutor. Venho do planeta Gallifrey da constelação de Kasterborous. Com a minha nave, a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space (Tempo e Dimensões Relativas No Espaço) eu viajo por varios mundos e épocas combatendo as injustiças em minhas explorações. Eu o convido para me acompanhar em minhas aventuras, a maioria delas perigosas. Voce quer me acompanhar?

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    8609 + aquelas que tenho agora. ):-))
  • Fernando_SilvaFernando_Silva Administrador, Moderador
    emmcri disse:
    Until then, Mosul will probably have not a single sign of its rich history left standing.
    Depois reclamam quando os arqueólogos levam artefatos para museus do mundo civilizado...

  • AcauanAcauan Administrador, Moderador
    Fernando_Silva disse: Depois reclamam quando os arqueólogos levam artefatos para museus do mundo civilizado...

    Geralmente não levam, compram. Os nativos só se arrependem quando percebem que cobraram pouco.
    Acauan dos Tupis
    Nós, Indios.
    Lutar com Bravura, morrer com Honra!
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